2017년 3월 19일 일요일

Is peer pressure always bad?

Is peer pressure always bad?

When people hear the word “peer pressure,” it is easy for them to think of the negative phenomena of minorities tending to follow majorities’ idea when making a decision. True, there are a lot of negative sides of peer pressure, but there is certainly a need to reconsider about the misunderstanding of peer pressure. I think more positive than negative effects exist.

The first thing that comes to my mind is the peer pressure that I overcame when I first came to KMLA. I have never stayed up all night before the quiz or exams, but all students in KMLA were doing that. I felt quite pressured. I was worried about the possibility of dozing during the exam. However, I was more worried about what would other students think about me if I go to bed early while they stay up late. I decided to stay up just like others, feeling the “peer pressure” within the students at our school. The result was successful. There were many problems related to the content that I studied the night before, and if I hadn’t studied, I would have messed up my exams. Feeling the peer pressure in the group that studies hard encourages us to study harder like others. This applies not only to studying, but also any faction of friends not smoking, no drugs, exercising together, or any other activities that are beneficial to our lives.

Peer pressure really can be good or bad depending on what results will that specific activity will bring up. However, I think that changing people’s attitudes toward peer pressure can also determine whether peer pressure is good or bad. Rather, this can reduce the frequency of bad peer pressure. I believe that peer pressure is fundamentally caused by people’s likelihood of not understanding the diversity of thoughts among others. People tend to think different is wrong. However, this is not true. We should learn how to accept other’s thoughts, even if that specific thoughts are from the minority group. If people do know how to respect minorities’ thoughts, they would not be conscious about others’ attention, and finally would not feel any peer pressure.

Being encouraged by the majorities can act as a good peer pressure in some occasions.

In spite of these good peer pressures, we should acknowledge the existence of diversity in thoughts. We are different, not wrong.

댓글 1개:

  1. Normally "peer pressure" is used in a negative connotation, but I agree, KMLA's peer pressure can often be positive, but really it's also competitive, which can cause stress. Everyone has their own pattern and approach to studying, and cramming the night before an exam is never the best approach. Anyways, good post.
